Update: Make that 7 now that ePlay also supports PayPal for buying tokens.

If you have an online friend-with-benefits, you might call them a Pal, and you wanted to Pay them for the online sex they have with you wouldn’t it make sense to use PayPal?

Shouldn’t buying webcam sex be just a matter of putting it in your shopping cart and clicking Checkout just like any other online shop?

Let us get one thing out of the way first.

PayPal is not sex-worker friendly.

Starting in 2003 they have had a series of policies intended to make it difficult to have any kind of sexual activity paid for using PayPal.

Although there have been a few relaxations in the policies over the years, allowing you to purchase sex toys on eBay for example, it is still risky enough that most people who buy or sell sex-related services or products would rather avoid PayPal.

That said, like a lot of things that are not allowed but happen anyway, it is still possible to pay for webcam sex using PayPal. Many cam girls use either PayPal or their Venmo product to get paid.

The list of cam girl sites that allow you to use PayPal to purchase tokens changes all the time as things get approved, then get banned, then switch payment gateway and get approved again.

It feels like a cat-and-mouse game between sex providers and PayPal. You never know who will up winning at any one time.

Paying for Webcam Sex with PayPal

Given that it is possible, what are the options?

Actually before going into that you have to consider why you would want to do it in the first place because for the majority of reasons there is actually a better way.

PayPal might be well established, but it isn’t the only game in town for online payments.

You may wish to avoid using a credit card to pay for online sex shows because you don’t want it to end up on your monthly billing statement. But PayPal isn’t the only option.

Reasons you might want to use PayPal:

  1. It is already set up, you have it working because you buy things from eBay
  2. PayPal is a trusted name, you’ve heard of them while the others are like “what?”
  3. It gives you a layer of privacy because your card bill will say “PayPal*Whatever”
  4. PayPal lets you chargeback or cancel a payment so you are able to get your money back if you are scammed
  5. Wire or bank transfers to PayPal let you load up your PP wallet and completely avoid any issue with things appearing on your card statement
  6. People pay you via PayPal so you already have money in there and want to just spend it on webcam sex shows

Do any of these make sense to you?

Great, lets break them down and see where they go. If I’ve missed any then let me know in the comments and I’ll update this.

  1. It is already set up, you have it working because you buy things from eBay

That’s just lazy, I mean every time you have to buy something online you have to “set it up” again. Do you really want to give up all your privacy and safety just because you can’t be bothered to fill in a form on a website or use a new app? If you are like over 75 years old I might accept that but then what are you doing watching webcam shows anyway?

  1. PayPal is a trusted name, you’ve heard of them while the others are like “what?”

All you have to do is google “is paypal safe” and you’ll find no end of people explaining how they have ended up losing their money because of how PayPal closed or froze their accounts.

Many people use it regularly to buy things on eBay, but that doesn’t make it entirely reliable. Plenty of people have had terrible experiences with it.

  1. It gives you a layer of privacy because your card bill will say “PayPal*Whatever”

Something of a privacy layer. But a lot though is it. That card bill may say “PayPal” but it is probably “PayPal*WebcamSex” or something like that. Sure some sites are discrete with their billing names, but then they will be discreet on their credit card billing statement names as well.

  1. PayPal lets you chargeback or cancel a payment so you are able to get your money back if you are scammed

This one is fair enough. PayPal does have some strong consumer protection rules that mean if any website starts charging you more than they were supposed to, most commonly by signing you up for some sort of monthly subscription you didn’t really want, then you can get that stopped.

Getting your money back, as opposed to just stopping ongoing payments, is harder and you are likely to lose your PP account if you press too hard.

Stil a plus, but not one that is unique to PayPal.

Any card payment system lets you stop, reverse and cancel payments.

A few payment methods, particularly PaySafeCard, branded Gift Cards and Crypto are one-type payments anyway without any mechanism for a website to charge you again.

Don’t want to use a new payment method? See answer to #1 above. Don’t be a dinosaur!

  1. Wire or bank transfers to PayPal let you load up your PP wallet and completely avoid any issue with things appearing on your card statement

It is more steps, but yes that’s a way.

  • Wire transfer from your bank to PayPal
  • Use your PayPal credit to pay for tokens on a cam girl site
  • Tip the cam girl

How does it go after that? The cam site takes a hefty percentage, at least half, then passes the money on to the cam girl either as a wire transfer, some other kind of electronic payment, or maybe even an old-fashioned check.

That is a heck of a long way around from your pocket to hers, with every intermediary taking a cut, but ultimately it means you get to show your appreciation in a way that matters.

  1. People pay you via PayPal so you already have money in there and want to just spend it on webcam sex shows

A mega-seller on eBay? Then perhaps you have a lot of money in PayPal already and if tipping cam girls is your hobby then why not turn your earnings into spending with no middleman?

Not that you are avoiding them totally,y see $5 above, but it does cut out some steps.

In that case, go for it! Use your PayPal balance to pay for some webcam sex shows and rejoice in the modern world of online internet connection where you can earn only, spend online, and cum online as well!

As for the specifics; where to use PayPal to pay for webcam sex services?

If your interest is more generally just how to buy webcam sex site tokens without using a card, then there are another 7 ways, at least, to try.

Have I missed out a way?

Did I miss out a reason?

Let me know in the comments!